Los Angeles, CA
Bookings/Inquiries: davidl@mcguffinmgnt.com

Category: Comedy

In The News: Gay Scientists Isolate Christian Gene

My friend Mahlia sent this to me. Thank Science someone finally is getting to the bottom of this. Click here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qCzbNkyXO50 XO – Ian

There’s New Weatherman In Town

Introducing AUSTIN RAINES for KCAL-9, Los Angeles. Okay, I know this is gross, but also hilarious. My good friend, Kevin was taking some photos of me in Hollywood in my suit and tie in hopes of finding a headshot that I could use some things I have coming up. This one just struck me so KCAL-9. So…
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Queer vs. Straight Comedy

At the risk of sounding heterophobic, which I am – but only slightly, I have this idea that non-queer comics don’t have to work as hard, or as hard in the same ways, in writing jokes and performing. Don’t get me wrong, I know excellent non-queer comics who work hard and write great jokes –…
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