Los Angeles, CA
Bookings/Inquiries: davidl@mcguffinmgnt.com

Category: LGBT

Meefers Interview: Standing Out As FTM Standup

DEARBORN, MI – When Ian Harvie gets on stage at events like the 13th Annual Lesbian and Gay Comedy Fest in Dearborn on March 14th, he feels completely at ease talking about his status as the only nationally-recognized FTM stand up comic. “It’s easy with gay audiences,” Harvie says. “They just get it. But sometimes…
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In The News: Gay Scientists Isolate Christian Gene

My friend Mahlia sent this to me. Thank Science someone finally is getting to the bottom of this. Click here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qCzbNkyXO50 XO – Ian

Queer vs. Straight Comedy

At the risk of sounding heterophobic, which I am – but only slightly, I have this idea that non-queer comics don’t have to work as hard, or as hard in the same ways, in writing jokes and performing. Don’t get me wrong, I know excellent non-queer comics who work hard and write great jokes –…
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