Los Angeles, CA
Bookings/Inquiries: dlaffey@wonderst.com

Tag: Bathroom

The Secret Lives Of Men

Margaret and I went to Anchorage this past week for a show. We checked into the hotel a day early to the show and it was still light out at friggin’ eleven o’clock. It really messes with your internal clock trying to sleep when you’re body is tired but the day just won’t end -sooo…
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Gotta Go, Gotta Go, Gotta Go Right Now!

People often ask: “Which restroom do you use?” I usually reply: “Which ever one I want.” But in all seriousness, I prefer the Women’s Room mostly because they smell better and men are generally filthy pigs. So why do I want to id as a man? I know, riiight. But every single time I walk…
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